Mental health and work 2

Session details



12:00pm - 1:30pm (Toronto time)


Zoom videoconferencing

Didactic presentation by:

Lina Di Carlo

Session objectives

At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Explain how employers and healthcare practitioners can work collaboratively to support an individual, with a mental health condition, to facilitate an effective return to work.  
  2. List the organizational factors required to provide a healthy work environment which supports an individual to obtain appropriate health care, facilitate a return to work and fully integrate into the workplace.  
  3. Describe how stigma impacts an individual’s ability to obtain appropriate health care.  

Session resources

About the psychosocial flags framework
The Flags concept originated as a practical framework for understanding and evaluating psychosocial influences in musculoskeletal problems. Flags are warning signals that psychosocial factors in or around the individual are acting as obstacles to full recovery and return to work. Source: TSO Shop (UK)
Didactic presentation: Mental health and work 2
In this presentation, Lina Di Carlo discusses how employers and healthcare practitioners can work collaboratively to support an individual, with a mental health condition, to facilitate an effective return to work; the organizational factors required to provide a healthy work environment which supports an individual to obtain appropriate health care, facilitate a return to work and fully integrate into the workplace; and how stigma impacts an individual’s ability to obtain appropriate health care.
Download the PDF(543.77 KB)
How to boost productivity with body doubling
When someone with ADHD works on tasks or chores alongside another person, this is a practice called “body doubling”. The body double’s job is to help anchor the person with ADHD to the present moment, reducing the risk of distraction and holding them accountable to their task. Source: Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada
Ontario Human Rights Commission. 8. Duty to accommodate
Under the Code, employers and unions, housing providers and service providers have a legal duty to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities who are adversely affected by a requirement, rule or standard. Source: Ontario Human Rights Commission
Psychological health and safety in the workplace
The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) – the first of its kind in the world, is a set of voluntary guidelines, tools and resources intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work. Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
Stress at work resources and useful links
Resources on stress at work from the UK Health and Safety Executive. Source: UK Health and Safety Executive
Tackling Musculoskeletal Problems: a guide for clinic and workplace identifying obstacles using the psychosocial flags framework
A slide deck on using the flags system to tackle musculoskeletal problems. Source: TSO Shop (UK)
UK Management Standards
The UK Health and Safety Executive Management Standards cover six key areas of work design that, if not properly managed, are associated with poor health, lower productivity and increased accident and sickness absence rates. Source: UK Health and Safety Executive
Work disability management standards
CSA Z1011:20 Work disability management system is based primarily on best practices for organizations to achieve their goals of optimal workforce engagement, given the health needs of workers as they arise, in order to minimize the possibility or impact of work disability. Source: CSA group

About presenter

Case presentations

Most of the learning in ECHO happens through presenting and discussing case presentations. If you have a case you would like to present, please submit a completed case presentation form to the ECHO OEM project coordinator.

Physicians presenting a case may bill OHIP for case conferences (billing codes K707 or K701).