Overview of occupational and environmental medicine

Session details




Zoom videoconferencing

Didactic presentation by:

Anil Adisesh

Session objectives

At the end of the session, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe the roles and functions of an occupational health team and those of occupational physicians
  2. Recognize the common categories of occupational medical conditions
  3. Explain the relationship between the occupational and environmental aspects of OEM

Session resources

CAN/CSAZ1003 Psychological health and safety in the workplace
This voluntary standard specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy & safe workplace. Source: CSA Group
Didactic presentation: Overview of occupational and environmental medicine
In this presentation, Dr. Anil Adisesh discusses the roles and functions of an occupational physician and occupational health teams, the common categories of occupational medical conditions and the relationship between the occupational and environmental aspects of OEM.
Guarding minds at work
Guarding Minds at Work (Guarding Minds) is a tool for employers to effectively assess and address the psychosocial factors known to have an impact on organizational health, the health of individual employees, and the financial bottom line. It was used as a reference for the National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Source: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Occupational History Recording Tool (OHRT)
This tool is being developed by the ECHO OEM research team. We encourage you to use it with your patients/clients and would appreciate your feedback echooem@iwh.on.ca.
The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) – the first of its kind in the world, is a set of voluntary guidelines, tools and resources intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work. Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
UK Health and Safety (HSE) Executive Indicator Tool
The HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool should be used in conjunction with the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool User Manual. The HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool is also available in a number of different languages on HSE's Management Standards website. Source: UK government Health and Safety Executive
UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards
The management standards cover six key areas of work design that, if not properly managed, are associated with poor health, lower productivity and increased accident and sickness absence rates. Source: UK government Health and Safety Executive
WSIB Operational Polic: Chronic Mental Stress
The purpose of this policy is to provide entitlement guidelines for claims for chronic mental stress. Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

About presenter

Dr. Anil Adisesh received his medical degrees at the University of Liverpool, UK. He is UK trained in general medicine, with UK accreditation in family medicine and UK specialty accreditation in occupational medicine. 

Adisesh worked as Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the UK Health and Safety Executive national laboratory, Buxton. He was subsequently appointed the inaugural JD Irving Limited, Research Chair in Occupational Medicine at Dalhousie University, and was later Associate Professor and Division Director of Occupational Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He was also Head of the Division of Occupational Medicine at St. Michael’s Hospital Toronto.

Case presentations

Most of the learning in ECHO happens through presenting and discussing case presentations. If you have a case you would like to present, please submit a completed case presentation form to the ECHO OEM project coordinator.

Physicians presenting a case may bill OHIP for case conferences (billing codes K707 or K701).